GEG terrycrews hate thread


rapemeat award
@Gemerald we all saw your fail you fucking loser
It's time for another top 10 list, today we'll be looking at the top 10 niggers of all time

Number 10: Obama

Number 9: Michael Jackson

Number 8: Tyrone Niggerson

Number 7: Jamal McBlackdick

Number 6: My dad (who left me)

Number 5: Jesus

Number 4: The Egyptians

Number 3: Louis Armstrong

Number 2: Morgan Freeman

Honorable mentions: Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Yuri Kuznetsov

And finally at number 1 we have... YOU!

Yes, you! You are a nigger! A fat lip shitskin coon that is you!

And there you have it folks, our top 10 niggers of all time, hope you enjoyed it!