Serious soyjak.partie now puts a white noise image grain over every image posted on the website

Designates a thread as a serious discussion
We know, but it also datammines us, ruins image quality and adds unnecessary kilobytes to the image.
Isn't there a better way?
>ermmm datamining
I have access to literally all your data you send to the site when you use it regularly, nothing of value is gained by adding noise to your soyjaks, i already know what ips access what things and what they post, it does nothing but muddy the waters, making it "more private" actually.
Stop just vomiting back and repeating every nothingburger fearmongering post you see
Doesnt even matter now because the noise has been turned off and isnt a thing anymore, weve come up with a better solution
>ermmm datamining
I have access to literally all your data you send to the site when you use it regularly, nothing of value is gained by adding noise to your soyjaks, i already know what ips access what things and what they post, it does nothing but muddy the waters, making it "more private" actually.
Stop just vomiting back and repeating every nothingburger fearmongering post you see
Doesnt even matter now because the noise has been turned off and isnt a thing anymore, weve come up with a better solution
nah ur just lyin
>ermmm datamining
I have access to literally all your data you send to the site when you use it regularly, nothing of value is gained by adding noise to your soyjaks, i already know what ips access what things and what they post, it does nothing but muddy the waters, making it "more private" actually.
Stop just vomiting back and repeating every nothingburger fearmongering post you see
Doesnt even matter now because the noise has been turned off and isnt a thing anymore, weve come up with a better solution
Wait, the noise grain has been turned off? Awesome!
>ermmm datamining
I have access to literally all your data you send to the site when you use it regularly, nothing of value is gained by adding noise to your soyjaks, i already know what ips access what things and what they post, it does nothing but muddy the waters, making it "more private" actually.
Stop just vomiting back and repeating every nothingburger fearmongering post you see
Doesnt even matter now because the noise has been turned off and isnt a thing anymore, weve come up with a better solution
You are the only here posting cp doebeit.
>ermmm datamining
I have access to literally all your data you send to the site when you use it regularly, nothing of value is gained by adding noise to your soyjaks, i already know what ips access what things and what they post, it does nothing but muddy the waters, making it "more private" actually.
Stop just vomiting back and repeating every nothingburger fearmongering post you see
Doesnt even matter now because the noise has been turned off and isnt a thing anymore, weve come up with a better solution
The grain has been removed chud