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@Soyteen Liker When did your pooner urges first appear? Do you think being on the blog has made them worse? Do you have many IRL friends? Do you still wish to learn to drive?
1. I was 12 years old and went on r/egg_irl and thought heckin testosterone was amazing and was never able to let go of that idea
2. They're about the same actually, I think.
3. 0 tbh
4. I wouldn't know where to drive to, plus my parents don't trust me
So you are a woman or were u a lurker?
I posted sometimes but I was on there to laugh at trannies because I didn't know about KiwiFarms yet
'cord friend who blocked me
Why did he block you
Lack of interest + opportunities
You don't like going outside?
Too much mental instability
Like what? What makes your parents think you're mentally unstable?
I posted sometimes but I was on there to laugh at trannies because I didn't know about KiwiFarms yet
How did blud get invited as a man 💀
Why did he block you
I was being obsessive and he didn't like it
You don't like going outside?
No I mean, I only go to an autism social group and I don't see the point when I have the internet
Like what? What makes your parents think you're mentally unstable?
Meltdowns mostly but they don't really discuss the reasons why other than "your psychiatrist said so"
How did blud get invited as a man 💀
My friend invited me
I was being obsessive and he didn't like it
Obsessive how? Like you wouldn't stop harassing him?
No I mean, I only go to an autism social group and I don't see the point when I have the internet
How many people attend this social group
Meltdowns mostly
Do you have "meltdowns" often? What happens in one of these meltdowns?
My friend invited me
yeah I'm sure they did
Obsessive how? Like you wouldn't stop harassing him?
Yeah well he also claimed I asked him too many "stupid questions"
How many people attend this social group
around 30 in the current one but there's no time to get to know anyone because they make us do stupid icebreakers and some of them monologue about SNCA
Do you have "meltdowns" often? What happens in one of these meltdowns?
Idk they aren't full blown autistic meltdowns but I just yell and yell and sometimes break stuff
yeah I'm sure they did

Yeah well he also claimed I asked him too many "stupid questions"

around 30 in the current one but there's no time to get to know anyone because they make us do stupid icebreakers and some of them monologue about SNCA

Idk they aren't full blown autistic meltdowns but I just yell and yell and sometimes break stuff
did you actually suck off a nigger
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