>Arrow ooohhhh it's leaking

For greentexts, soyqoutes copypastas and lyrics
One cannot simply 'jak him. Said person MUST contain some essence of soy. They WILL be soyfull, and you WILL 'jak 'em. As for the rest of them, they're all NAS brimstone.
Gonna make this thread true by moving it to /dump/ since xhe literally admitted xer reason for posting it was because xhe felt like it.

tldr it made me leak
Gonna make this thread true by moving it to /dump/ since xhe literally admitted xer reason for posting it was because xhe felt like it.
Wait till she finds out that everyone who has ever made a thread has done so because they felt like it.

Hey, I remember playing tic-tac-toe on this chicks forehead!