Discussion Least favorite vidya of all time.


This. Fuck this game. Fuck spark unlimited. They killed the series by neutering all the fun aspects of the previous games and making it just a generic late 2000s early 10s shooter. Now it's a "cinematic" singleplayer western slop from the respective era. Vital suits are now called utility rigs and have no personality to them, so they look like le generic space robots now:

They added a new faction with a cheesy name called "The forgotten" which is just an allegory to native americans and nevec are just greedy colonizers that want to rape xeir planet or however the land is taken. The grappling hook went from a utility mechanic became just a scripted sequence that happens from time to time. The story is just bad. I refuse this being a prequel to lost planet 1.
Virgin lost planet 3:
The forgotten >noooo don't take thermal energy from our planet it's going to die!
Nevec: <hahahahaha we're going to take control of the acrid and take your thermal energy because we are evil o algo
Chad lost planet 2:
Nevec: >we are going to shoot a space laser into the ultra g, collection all the thermal energy and leave
Snow pirates: <no. *Crashers the space laser into the ultra g*
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