ITT: Draw the perfect East/Southeast Asia

Why are so many teens obsessed with geograpy and geopolitics? The sharty community is the only place I see people talk about borders and maps. I'm american so I assume that this must be normal if you live in an area where countries are the size of us states and are bordered by a bunch of other countries so thats why it matters?
tibet would never be chuddy
I'm not a communist but Mao was right in driving all buddhists away because they're spineless cucks
There was a German SS expedition to Tibet for research in ethnicity and archeology, looking to find connections between the people of the Himalayas and the Germans. Though, the amount of rampant homosexuality, alcoholism, prostitution, religious superstition, communal degeneracy, and general backwardness left many of the expeditionaries disappointed and appalled, a monk even came onto one of the Germans (both male), which naturally was not reciprocated.
Letting Japs conquer most of Southeast Asia is keyed doe
Also, American soliders didn't care about the nazis that much because they where white, they cared more about the japs because they saw them as their racial enemies
This never happened, also if shitpan took Southeast Asia then we would never have Singapore which is le bad