Meta I'm going straight edge tomorrow.

says xhe going straight edge and fails at day 2 do mexisharts really
btw how can you not drink in mexico isn't it like culture o algo
wtf I thought this thread was going to be about an edging streak, talk about disappointment.
edging to quiet again award
why isn't it yellowish like in the movies and why there are trees there o algo?
The entire beach area has mini lagoons. It's not like Cancun but there's probably 300-400 mini 5 meter lagoons surrounded by mangroves and fruit trees. Sandy areas and rocky areas. On Saturdays and Sundays each family kind of takes their own lagoon and they put up hammocks and each little area has privacy and place to swim. Pretty dope. That photo is taken from up above the shoreline on a scenic view thing.
The entire beach area has mini lagoons. It's not like Cancun but there's probably 300-400 mini 5 meter lagoons surrounded by mangroves and fruit trees. Sandy areas and rocky areas. On Saturdays and Sundays each family kind of takes their own lagoon and they put up hammocks and each little area has privacy and place to swim. Pretty dope. That photo is taken from up above the shoreline on a scenic view thing.
Daam thats nice
Coffee and cookies today. Got a bag of sand for squats, a water jug for curls, and a dirt floor for pushups. Gym complete. Running in the AM. My body is more soar than @DOLL 's butthole after a trans rally in the UK. So we'll be doing some soycel trolling while the body catches up to the xXx straightedge life.