I'm Cvbaryan

Cuba is filled with Taínomulattos
No, you're thinking of Puerto Rico, in Cuba there are more racial extremes, you're more likely to find a full african in Cuba than in Puerto Rico, you're also more likely to find a white person in Cuba than you are in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico is more of a mixed nation and has more Taíno admixture on average compared to Cuba
Yes because they all got raped by Tyrones from africa
You have more Tyrone admixture albeit
83.9 compared to at minimum 85
it's due to the niggers and mulattoes, there's more whites in Cuba but not enough to make it a huge leap because it partially gets cancelled out with the amount of pure africans in Cuba (12% of the population), so it makes PR's IQ 81, and Cuba's 85, you'd expect the more indio blood in PR to make them less retarded but apparently not
it's due to the niggers and mulattoes, there's more whites in Cuba but not enough to make it a huge leap because it partially gets cancelled out with the amount of pure africans in Cuba (12% of the population), so it makes PR's IQ 81, and Cuba's 85, you'd expect the more indio blood in PR to make them less retarded but apparently not
Holy copium