i hate how meta everything is

country wars are annoying shit that nobody cares about
>its le offensive therefore they are funny
even doe nobody cares about the countries that participate in country wars so nobody will get offended
shit like italy vs mexico/argentina can get repetitive and boring (because those countries barely interact with each other to begin with) but it's still closer to the core of jakking than whatever meta trend is today. Something likes making fun of the archetype of the targeted groups, shit that happened to them, "you look like this and said this", etc.

Nusoijak 2.0. Is this gemmier?
'teens nowadays use troonella way more than the base soyjak, because while they perceive this change, they don't fully understand it, and they think that only trannies remain. Little do they know they did not change target, the target changed colours.
This is autistic thinking. There has been a boom in trannies, but they're not former soyboys, they're mostly gen Z faggots and especially young women who are still developing and are susceptible to retarded fads they see online.

But I personally believe the main reason people use troonjaks more is because the sharty nowadays is literally composed of soyboys with no self-awareness who just happen to be right wing. They are so fucking emotional and submissive and obsess over women and gay admins. And for this reason, they don't find regular soyjaks offensive anymore, because when they look at it all they see is themselves, so to be insulting in the slightest they have to resort to spamming troons.
This is autistic thinking. There has been a boom in trannies, but they're not former soyboys, they're mostly gen Z faggots and especially young women who are still developing and are susceptible to retarded fads they see online.

But I personally believe the main reason people use troonjaks more is because the sharty nowadays is literally composed of soyboys with no self-awareness who just happen to be right wing. They are so fucking emotional and submissive and obsess over women and gay admins. And for this reason, they don't find regular soyjaks offensive anymore, because when they look at it all they see is themselves, so to be insulting in the slightest they have to resort to spamming troons.
Sounds sound.
I was mostly just ranting for the fun of it but yeah, you're right. I blame this mostly on the actual age of most 'teens. Like it's unironically a kindergarten full of impressionable teenagers