It's a shift in demographics.
Byt the soyboys remained soyboys.
The thing is, not all soyboys are troonjaks, but all troonjaks are soyboys, and since 2017 and the pandemic, there's been a deepening of the political divide, and as soyboys travelled further left, some of them became troonjaks.
The thing is, even those who did not troon out, still started using weird pronouns and identifying as something else, just because of this political divide. Thus, you can even argue that there's been a merging of troonjaks and soyboys into the contemporary nusoitroon which encompases both the validity of a transqueen and the decolonization of the soyboy.
'teens nowadays use troonella way more than the base soyjak, because while they perceive this change, they don't fully understand it, and they think that only trannies remain. Little do they know they did not change target, the target changed colours.
Also, it seems autistic nazi trannies are also on the decline, so we can soon start referring to them as nusoicommiepedotroons, as the ultimate ennemy of the 'teen