i hate how meta everything is

go post troonjak on reddit or discord and you'll be immediately banned by irl troonjaks, there's still actual offensive gems that are being made every now and then doe, even country wars can be gemmy considering how offensive they are, as long as they don't turned into full scaled tards seething contests.
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aren't soyboys a dying breed though? i'm sure they still exist in large numbers but back in 2017 a lot of current troons used to be soyboys or just general losers.
there is a new wave of zoomer soyboys coming that are replacing them
could you provide a few examples? just like pictures and stuff. i hate to sound like a science believer but snopes needs to fact check this. i dont use tiktok so thats probably why im new to this idea.
Soyak in his current state is outdated, a relic of a time that was slightly better than current year. He needs an update. Most of the soyboys of yesterday who haven't trooned out have developed pedostaches and now do this forced grin as everyone made fun of them for the soyface. Take a look at MrBeasts channel for example.

I think it'd be funny project to update a lot of 'jaks to this new template, one with a pedostache and a forced grin.
Soyak in his current state is outdated, a relic of a time that was slightly better than current year. He needs an update. Most of the soyboys of yesterday who haven't trooned out have developed pedostaches and now do this forced grin as everyone made fun of them for the soyface. Take a look at MrBeasts channel for example.

I think it'd be funny project to update a lot of 'jaks to this new template, one with a pedostache and a forced grin.
Soyak in his current state is outdated, a relic of a time that was slightly better than current year. He needs an update. Most of the soyboys of yesterday who haven't trooned out have developed pedostaches and now do this forced grin as everyone made fun of them for the soyface. Take a look at MrBeasts channel for example.

I think it'd be funny project to update a lot of 'jaks to this new template, one with a pedostache and a forced grin.
nah just make it offensive to the outsiders with actual contexts, fandom/country wars are much funnier than meta coal because they are offensive joke that doesn't require prerequisite knowledge of the jakking culture to understand the humor.
>bu... but country wars are coal because the jannies at the 'ki said so... -ACK

any "joke" that requires meta knowledge about jakking culture to understand the context is shit btw. Just look at frognigger, it's either normie shit or 'tistic inner joke shit now.
aren't soyboys a dying breed though? i'm sure they still exist in large numbers but back in 2017 a lot of current troons used to be soyboys or just general losers.
It's a shift in demographics.
Byt the soyboys remained soyboys.
The thing is, not all soyboys are troonjaks, but all troonjaks are soyboys, and since 2017 and the pandemic, there's been a deepening of the political divide, and as soyboys travelled further left, some of them became troonjaks.

The thing is, even those who did not troon out, still started using weird pronouns and identifying as something else, just because of this political divide. Thus, you can even argue that there's been a merging of troonjaks and soyboys into the contemporary nusoitroon which encompases both the validity of a transqueen and the decolonization of the soyboy.

'teens nowadays use troonella way more than the base soyjak, because while they perceive this change, they don't fully understand it, and they think that only trannies remain. Little do they know they did not change target, the target changed colours.

Also, it seems autistic nazi trannies are also on the decline, so we can soon start referring to them as nusoicommiepedotroons, as the ultimate ennemy of the 'teen
It's a shift in demographics.
Byt the soyboys remained soyboys.
The thing is, not all soyboys are troonjaks, but all troonjaks are soyboys, and since 2017 and the pandemic, there's been a deepening of the political divide, and as soyboys travelled further left, some of them became troonjaks.

The thing is, even those who did not troon out, still started using weird pronouns and identifying as something else, just because of this political divide. Thus, you can even argue that there's been a merging of troonjaks and soyboys into the contemporary nusoitroon which encompases both the validity of a transqueen and the decolonization of the soyboy.

'teens nowadays use troonella way more than the base soyjak, because while they perceive this change, they don't fully understand it, and they think that only trannies remain. Little do they know they did not change target, the target changed colours.

Also, it seems autistic nazi trannies are also on the decline, so we can soon start referring to them as nusoicommiepedotroons, as the ultimate ennemy of the 'teen
tl;dr : slopjaks were inevitable
nah just make it offensive to the outsiders with actual contexts, fandom/country wars are much funnier than meta coal because they are offensive joke that doesn't require prerequisite knowledge of the jakking culture to understand the humor.
>bu... but country wars are coal because the jannies at the 'ki said so... -ACK

any "joke" that requires meta knowledge about jakking culture to understand the context is shit btw. Just look at frognigger, it's either normie shit or 'tistic inner joke shit now.
countrywars require metaknowledge doe, no normie would be able to understand why these deformed brown figures with argentinian flag shirts are labeled as being "joel"
countrywars require metaknowledge doe, no normie would be able to understand why these deformed brown figures with argentinian flag shirts are labeled as being "joel"
most of those don't, especially the early ones, it's just that newfags are getting uncreative and have to resort on seething coal spamming such as slopjaks.
nah just make it offensive to the outsiders with actual contexts, fandom/country wars are much funnier than meta coal because they are offensive joke that doesn't require prerequisite knowledge of the jakking culture to understand the humor.
>bu... but country wars are coal because the jannies at the 'ki said so... -ACK

any "joke" that requires meta knowledge about jakking culture to understand the context is shit btw. Just look at frognigger, it's either normie shit or 'tistic inner joke shit now.
country wars are annoying shit that nobody cares about
>its le offensive therefore they are funny
even doe nobody cares about the countries that participate in country wars so nobody will get offended
countrywars require metaknowledge doe, no normie would be able to understand why these deformed brown figures with argentinian flag shirts are labeled as being "joel"
Yeah but most people can intuitively understand that brown deformed hanging man is supposed to be le bad, especially with all the "awards" and company logos pinned on his malformed body