Coal I caught my little brother watching Jaiden Animations, AMA.

Why so worried? Its normal for people to be fed algoslop. Its not like he's watching EPI or something. If he has a sense of taste and direction from you he will learn that he is above such drivel.
No offense but this doesn't really seem eventful enough for an AMA. A lot of people's little brothers watch Jaiden Animations. I would be asking more questions if he was jerking it to her or something, o algo.
You have to stop him from watching her before he becomes asexual and wants to start drawing. Jadien Animations used to be kind of a baddie but now she ugly, I guess hitting 25 hits Asian women hard.
She was always ugly. Only her avatar was sisa. As expected of jewtube avatartroons of course. NEVER see someone as their avatar, even if that is human instinct and impossible or something.