Chud Going through some old footage of my YouTuben' Days...

I remember back in 2014 I had a channel where I made anti-tranny videos and later moved my content to VidLii in 2018. I cringe at it now, but I also miss being an edgy kid.
is the parrot still alive?
Assumedly. I'm not one to keep flyers in cages, or bigger animals either. My caiman, owl, and parrot were freed. I used to see him flying around with his new banda. I'd be walking to the store and there was always one goofy parrot looking down at me squacking different than the rest. No doubt it was him..

I enjoy raising them, or in the case of the owl I found it in the jungle, had fallen from it's nest. Fed it and took care of it a few weeks then when it was ready it left. I just would keep the windows open so when it was ready, listo.

I only mentioned that I was an ex-edgy chud on the Shlog like three times, once when I joined in May, once ITT, and another time at the other YouTube thread. I mean I guess I am still kinda edgy as I made a lot of rape comics in the past and still occasionally do, but just no racist chuddy stuff anymore. And I'm PROUD to have become a better person, and I WILL continue to mention it o algo, no sabe y que. Lay off the caps lock bro and calm a wee bit.