GEG Future of Jews in france

it's like you chat gpt those responses, you've never seen a jew in your life get off the internet and go outside 99% of japan is japanese
I saw poojeets at the convenience store because of fucking jews. I don't want those filth in my nation, of course I hate the jews who encourage more of those
I saw poojeets at the convenience store because of fucking jews.
Yeah because you don't have any kids and too snobby to work at 7 eleven
also this
>Konichiwa saar it's going to bi 30 yen for dis soy milk
don't you think the same about anyone other than japanese geeg
I respect aryans, I dislike all other shitskins, niggers, etc. but I don't have a problem with them as long as they stay in their shitholes and I never have to see them or interact with them. jews are a special level of evil because they actively spread misery
>asks a question as to how many jews have high ranking government positions
>"It doesn't matter."

now i understand why kikes resort to insult and cope rather than actually debating because if they did they would embarass themselves even further by losing extremely hard
:geg: :geg: :geg: :geg: :geg:
There is more seethe and cope in this post toughie. Only cave dwelling no life losers think Jews control the world.