Fortuna is a pedo sympathizer

>it'll be more fun to have federal agents take control of this website because i want to feel important or something
View attachment 66579
Wow, this is what I get for sleeping so long.
So first, terry joins, says he's a male, and people think he's a pooner(which is fair).
Then, Fortuna joins, says she's a female, and people think she's a pooner(which is shady).

I think we're a bit too obsessed over pooners.
She said she had a boyfriend once. Weird.
I never said this. Ever.
I don't think @Fortuna is a woman, no sane woman would willingly spend THIS much time on this website, and mentally ill women don't exist. Writing styles are a mere cover, and judging a book by its cover, while it is ideal and smart, is sometimes unreliable
I'm not a woman.
Doesn't fortuna constantly say she's a male and denies being female?