fix gifs in profiles

@DOOR @Weebhunter3000 @Ballos
Dear sweaty neckbeards, please work faster. close pornhub immediately. apply unwashed pizza chin grease to keyboard for increased typing. decrease laziness. increase work amount. please fatties i am asking you nicely. Less eating with the pizza rolls and more clicky clicky with the mouse. use your unwashed manboob sweat to help you. please neckbeards please just fix the gifs in pfps for me. quit being so fat and smelly and lazy. i am asking you nicely.
OK i'm done spamming about this, I meant to go to bed at like 10 pm but I stayed up just 4 this bit. I'll maybe keep it going tomorrow if I feel like it.
Maybe because Weebhunter's the actual developer.
Arbitrary distinction, It's part of your duties as (well ex) administrator to make sure the site works even if that means messing with some stuff in the server console or xenforo dashboard.
No, it's not part of my duties to learn Xenforo.

I fixed basic problems pretty often, however later I couldn't, I had to be a bit less active. The day the drama started was the day I was gonna le come back for real and be a wholesome100 fagmin.