Shit No One Cares About Do you plan on having kids?

>im gonna use your mom's pussy safely to guarantee extra use
i hate normies
nothing makes me wanna kms more than me and another schloggian talking to eachother and then some other nigger joins in like "wtf are you goign talking about"
like i've gone mad or crazy or something like we're the weird ones for saying shit like "geg" and ">donusoicacasreally"
i don’t think any of you weird it’s just hard not to act like a newfag when all of u try to gatekeep what ur talking about!! soywiki only does so much
tldr yeah i wouldnt mind having kids as long as i give birth to the most intelligent offspring
theres no other reason to have kids than to play eugenics.
It's a bit arrogant to think that the fate of humanity lies in humanity's hands imo.
Sure you can do your part, but to even think that your child will be your own doing is wrong in many ways.
You may marry the most intelligent woman on earth, give your child the best chances, and still end up with a retarded sown syndrom autistic crackhead who molests people and gets locked up for the rest of his life, or something like that.

If you treat your child as your creation you won't succeed in anything, if you treat it like a gift and a responsability that has been given to you, then maybe you'll get somewhere. Doing everything for glory is a bit of a dead end imo.
theres nothing wrong with autism you bigot
autism le good and neurotypical le bad evendoe that's how twitroons and tumblroons think and neurodivergentFAGS are more likely to troon out.
I for one think that normies = GODS, and that every bad thing from psychanalysis to atheism has been invented or pushed into prevalence by autisticTARDS
literally faggots indirectly saying they hate me and want my kind to die out

i think i should have kids purely to not let that happen