Discussion Do you know anyone who takes Kamala Harris seriously?

hating gypsies and being pro-colonisation isnt leftist
blah blah blah
>fix republican's "mess" (there is none)
>make it 10000000000000000 times worse

Holy geg
Did you miss the stock market crash of 2008? did you uhh miss that episode?
There is literally no community appropriate for him (except for Preddit but that sucks), leftypol hates him for being a liberal, 4cuck /pol/ hates him for being a liberal, sharty /pol/ hates him for being a liberal, literally the worst outcome in political life is becoming a liberal.
I don’t use political boards on the ‘cuck. I sometimes browse sharty /pol/ but that isnt for the politics, but for the crazy shit that goes on there.
@poom Found a picture of you on Facebook
He was hailing bushes presidency pal, so I brung up him invading iraq for “weapons of mass destruction” post - 9/11. When it was literally a bunch of saudi arabians who flew a plane into a tower
OK, I'm sorry. I don't want to argue.