This reminds me, whenever I got to a men's barber post 2017 I could get a really crappy haircut while taking more than a fucking hour, because the barbers where fucking venezuelans, I'll explain: they repeat everywhere the same lengthy process of cutting some hair then showing you a mirror for you to see if everything was going right, they'll get stuck in one place changing tools to cut 2 millimeters of extra hair, then apply a shitload of lotions, all while blasting loud """m*sic""" and talking between each other like v*necos; I complain of this because, you see, I have myopia of -3.5, so I naturally wouldn't see shit.
I did this until 2020 where I got fed up with immigrants shit practices and men's barbershop replicating this disgusting procedure, and went to an old place where a woman who's being a barber for decades had her stand. Best treatment ever, in less than half an hour, no questions asked, pure professionalism.