Chud Did anyone else go through the chud to faggot to chud pipeline?

I'm recovering. Biggest thing to me right now is spending more time with my father, even if he can be too much to handle sometimes. I think that was the root of all my problems, and becoming reliant on my mother for everything wasn't helping. It's easy to get deluded into this shit if you don't really have a father figure. He never left or anything, but he works 12 hour days like 5-6 days a week and I never wanted to spend time with him at home. I feel awful about it.
General laziness has also contributed into making my life the shitshow it was and still partially is. I didn't want to get out of bed, take a shower, take out the trash, make my bed, clean my room, make coffee for my mom, go out and do driving practice, the list goes on and on. If there's one big thing I wish I had learned earlier, it's that I'm going to have to force myself to do things I don't want to do if I want to have any chance of succeeding. Being a lazy sack of shit never got me anywhere, prancing around this website and talking about homosexuality didn't get me anywhere, being a fucking retarded autistic nigger won't get me anywhere... blah blah blah.
I know it sounds like I'm just saying this shit to make myself seem like a good person, and in some ways that's true. I've tried to fix my life at least a dozen times at this point and they all end the same way: I give up after less than a week because it turns out that it's not an easy thing to do and I'd have to significantly change my habits to reach my end goal of not being a fucking worthless degenerate sack of shit. Well, now I've finally processed that in my head and I feel like I can do a better job this time. Do I have a plan? Kinda... but I don't know if it's going to work. Probably said this before but it's all about getting shit off the ground and DOING THINGS instead of THINKING ABOUT THEM AND POINTLESSLY PLANNING SHIT THAT DOESN'T MATTER. I just didn't understand that until very recently.
I'm going to do chores and go on a walk, maybe I shouldn't have talked about this.
I was an antifurry kind of chudcel, then a vaush-fan type of leftoid then I entered third-positionism so yeah I had the chud-faggot-chud pipeline. I'm on my prime and this isn't even my final form.
I hated niggers ever since i was born.
I was a toddler, and my mom wanted me to drink from a cup, that cup had some funny jigaboo nigger caricature on it and i was simply disgusted, so i refused to drink from it.
Man i miss back when you could make fun of Niggers all the time and no one would bat an eye because all agreed; They're animals.