GEG @Chudittical is a namefag offsiter xitter cord user and a furry GOONER

you do apparently
dont you have to obsess over the latest female protagonist that isnt sexualised in gaming?
Kill yourself, nigger. I don't watch Kurzgesagt. It's probably been recommended because I watch a lot of SOG and history videosand other than that all I watch is just football. Die obsessed tranny, nice job trying to take the focus away from your shitskin furry friend.
^obsessed jartycuck who got caught watching 'p and kurzgesagt
It's funny of you to accuse me of watching 'p, and I've never watched a video of Kurzgesagt in my life. Why are you so obsessed? Are you mad that I found your furry fag friend watching cobsonTALKS?
Kill yourself, nigger. I don't watch Kurzgesagt. It's probably been recommended because I watch a lot of SOG and history videosand other than that all I watch is just football. Die obsessed tranny, nice job trying to take the focus away from your shitskin furry friend.
New Orleans Saints best football team
It's funny of you to accuse me of watching 'p, and I've never watched a video of Kurzgesagt in my life. Why are you so obsessed? Are you mad that I found your furry fag friend watching cobsonTALKS?
stop being so rude!! they probably don’t even know eachother!!

good night sweet prince
"stalk his roblox lol" could be funny if you record
tell ruben sim about him, would be amazing. "look at this furry gooner who's on roblox, jerking off to glorified cp off platform, how can this be allowed on roblox?"