Schizo Boeing and the decline of America



I can't help but see similarities between the decline of Boeing and the decline of America itself. With Boeing, it was ruined by a massive amount of retarded old McDonnell Douglas people becoming part of the company after the merger in the 90s. These people didn't care about quality or safety; maximizing profits was the ultimate goal. And so they ran Boeing into the ground by half-assing shit and wasting billions of dollars. A lot of people seem to think that the 737 MAX fiasco is what really exposed shit to the general public, but they don't mention the shit ton of delays and money wasted associated with the 787 Dreamliner project.
With America, it's almost like a scaled-up version. You had a country that consisted of relatively competent people and then an influx of shitskins (not just via immigration) watered down everything and turned the nation into a shell of its former self. Both Boeing and the US technically aren't dead, they're just rotting from the inside and cracks are starting to show.
These aren't exactly equal comparisons and there are a few unique issues that don't really have an equivalent as you compare the two, but I hope you can see what I mean here. There are companies that have experienced similar shit (Google, for example) but I think the tale of Boeing is the most dramatic. I just think it's a really interesting case because it's almost like a diorama of sorts that people can use to help themselves further understand the situation in shartmerica.
I read an interesting post about it

"The current world hegemon likes to redefine everyday words in order to appear more hegemonic. For example, the American word "tech" does not mean "technology" in the broad sense of the word, but specifically "Internet technology".

That's why, for example, Uber is considered a " tech" company and Boeing is not. Because Uber makes Internet service, and Boeing doesn't.

Verbal falsification leads to funny situations. There is a completely serious, non-ironic analysis of why American Boeings have hatches falling out during flight, while European Airbuses haven't. It's all because of the European technological backwardness.

In the USA successful "bigtech" (= internet monopolies) has bought up all American smart people, so the unprofitable Boeing has to outsource airplane development to India. But there is no successful "bigtech" in the EU, so European smart people have to go to Airbus for miserable wages."

Finance is also a workforce IQ shredder. Cushions of federal money printer cash prop up unproductive enterprises. Rationally ignorant normies won't recognize these threats in detail, so it is very hard to remove these tumors. The only way society can save itself is economic catastrophe.