>Billionaires will move and avoid prosecution
Obviously. That doesn't change the general ideology of communism, it doesn't portray a flaw or a value.
>All money will be put towards propaganda, the military, the elite, and in small amounts education and infrastructure.
Is that not what modern capitalist societies do? All ideologies are capable of misallocating resources, America is the biggest testament of that. This is also not in communist ideology. Promising healthcare, housing, food to the working class (everyone), is however in the ideology.
>Wages will increase or something
You're obviously not an economist, I don't know why you're talking about this at all. There were some periods of starvation in the early days of Russian communism for example, but this is because it's a massive country in a tundra, and even imperialist Russia had problems with it, arguably even more. For basically the entire lifespan of all communist countries, everyone was fed well.
>It is mostly required to work, you will be put in prison if you don't
Obviously. That's the same with all countries unless if you're too young or too old, or are disabled in some way. "durrr people who don't work be in prison" is also false.
>You'll be put in prison for going against le government
Do you think that mind control exists? Prosecution towards the opposition only happens when the opposition poses a real threat. You can have personal opinions and share them with people, but if you pose a risk of spreading it at a large scale, you'll be punished as you are in any other country. It's generally retarded to be against a government that feeds you, unless if general life is unstable (moral-less, unsafe, etc).
>No food, no democracy, no freedom, no privacy
Everyone was fed and managed better than today's standards in the eastern bloc arguably, nobody was starving. There was also democracy, just not multi party democracy, which isn't actual democracy in a capitalistic society (because propaganda and votes are created by money, making it a plutocracy with no real opposition). What do you even define as freedom? True freedom is being able to pursue any profession, have any job, any position, any faith or belief, etc. All of these things were available to communists under their regimes. What privacy could really be taken during that era? People lived normal lives.
>If it were real communism people would actually be happy and right to vote, electricity
People usually complain about "real communism" never being implemented because there was still currency, and every leader generally twisted the ideology to their own view. This is why leninism exists, stalinism, maoism, titoism, etc. People had the right to vote for their own leader (which was enough, a government should have one party imo), people were happy, and had electricity and heating.
>Social democracy is le best, everything is censored, ad hominems
Everything you said is ignorant and of personal opinion. You have no real idea what china is like besides what you know from western media, which has been against communism since the russian revolution, and constantly twists the images of controversial things for it's own gain.
>Communism le bad because muh images of torture
These are the actions of nations, not the ideology. Should we also blame all white people for colonialism? Christianity for forced conversions, pogroms, and crusades? Monarchism for starvation?
Not a communist btw, I like socialism more than capitalism though, and I believe that some communist countries may have been better to live under when compared to what they are now. State atheism is also nice in some ways, if it grants religious rights to the people under it, and the state generally has many different faiths under it (this works the best in china for example). You're extremely ignorant, and you believe that your subjective opinions are absolute, even though you have no real knowledge of communism, the history of communism, or politics and economics in general. In general, no belief is absolute.