Ban Neutralplier

>We're doing this, goodbye guys... as always, no fun allowed

"Geg" is a replaced form of "kek" that was developed to differentiate the 'party refugee linguistics from native 4caca speak, I believe the etymology is a mix of "gem" and "kek".
::mutt::>It's just like how George Washington invented the word "elevator" in replacement of the word "lift" while he was writing the Declaration of Independence so that when the British would invade, they wouldn't be able to reach the second floor of the White House without using the stairs that we covered in fry grease for them to slip on... or something along those lines
"ㄱ" can also make a g or k sound
"Geg" is a replaced form of "kek" that was developed to differentiate the 'party refugee linguistics from native 4caca speak, I believe the etymology is a mix of "gem" and "kek".
::mutt::>It's just like how George Washington invented the word "elevator" in replacement of the word "lift" while he was writing the Declaration of Independence so that when the British would invade, they wouldn't be able to reach the second floor of the White House without using the stairs that we covered in fry grease for them to slip on... or something along those lines
george washington never did that