What comes up, must come down!
>/anthro/ is made.>/anthro/ is made
>lasts for a while
>almost wins but loses to fucking /fpe/ in a tetris battle
>/anthro/ is gone and furfags seethe for a while
>/anthro/ comes back but with a different name
>all the GETs are taken by squirrelGODs
>furfags cope for a while
>board gets removed
You guys lost admit it, furfags aren't sharty culture, all furfags have done is seethe and goon in shartys /g/ board and shartys /qa/ board
>lasts for a while, topping /pol/ in PPH at peak hours.
>almost wins but loses to a frootcord faggot larping as the inside joke of the month on the inside joke board of the month.
>/anthro/ is gone, furfags move back to /g/.
>/anthro/ comes back but under a different name.
>half of the GETs are taken by splintercucks.
>New competition announced, the new board is wiped anyways by (once again) the inside joke of the month.
>furfags move back back to /g/.