Work experience thread (don't selfdox)

1844 or something

White Identifying (Hv/Hvm)
Just kinda wondering all of the different background shloggers must have.
First job was at a shitty retail store, where i became a manager as soon as i turned 18 (Got fired for stealing 3k [6k but they didn't find out] )
After that i did construction for a summer as a sheltered underweight faggot, which really helped me grow the fuck up.
Since then I've been doing farmhand shit like cleaning stables, bailing hay, etc.
No real job right now, but I've been doing student research n shiet (just found out today i will be getting paid for it)
So, what's life been like? NEETs, grindsetters, entrepreneurs, anyone. let's hear it.
I used to repair houses and it was hell. Long days and low pay. Customers leave dog crap all over the place. NO BATHROOM AVAILABLE. I had to crap in a bucket a few times.
I used to repair houses and it was hell. Long days and low pay.
I kind of liked doing shit with my hands in construction, and I felt good that i was keeping up with veterans and learning so quick, but then I'd come home fucking exhausted and sore and I wouldn't get anything else done. The pay was nice in my case, but it still wasn't worth it. Retail is shit, but at least when i got home i was able (and desperate) to do something productive.
I kind of liked doing shit with my hands in construction, and I felt good that i was keeping up with veterans and learning so quick, but then I'd come home fucking exhausted and sore and I wouldn't get anything else done. The pay was nice in my case, but it still wasn't worth it. Retail is shit, but at least when i got home i was able (and desperate) to do something productive.
True. I used to be fit and skinny and it was nice I didn’t have to deal with socializing as much anymore.
Also, might as well ask about future goals. I'm working towards either park ranger or environmental analytics (basically telling corporations a bunch of environmental shit that they ignore in the end).
Looking at the channel, I believe it. A (mostly) dino/kaiju gaming channel with ~4m subs is fucking crazy

this is the only thing you should be looking at!! my 556th episode of jurassic world: the game