Wiccans should be persecuted

What are wiccans?
It's 2 AM and I'm about to go to sleep, so I can't give you a big explanation, but it's basically animistic pagan satanic witchcraft that's very popular with far-leftist women. Think of the type who hang those weird pattern banners on their wall (I forget what they call those) and have marijuana addictions. The "spiritual, not religious" sort.
found a pic of @Weebhunter3000
The worst neo-pagan I know of. caters towards onlyfans chicks and women who goon to erotic werewolf novels
Something related to "people" who do OnlyFans and addiction dynamics in general, is that a vast majority of people will support the idea of persecuting the dealer of an addictive thing (crack, heroin, meth, social media apps, gacha game producers) but never porn producers, why? Because of how longhoused society is.