Old existing splinters like the shemmy and zarty, even jarty before litapedos colonized it were fine. But every new splinter either dies or becomes a pedo safe haven. Why is this?
The userbase that primarily inhabits splinters consists of banned individuals. Many banned individuals are pedophiles, or just think ironic pedophilia is funny (it's banned from the Sharty).
Pretty much save havens for banned users, which I'm glad the Shlog exists or I would have ended up becoming a Shemmycuck. That or "Le shartie don't represent muh soyjack posting dat great, my site will do it better!", ends up getting a pvdo userbase, or intentional pvdophile safe-spaces, such as the jartycuck (possibly affiliated with bu5t) which was made after 'lita was banned on der Jarty.
Pretty much save havens for banned users, which I'm glad the Shlog exists or I would have ended up becoming a Shemmycuck. That or "Le shartie don't represent muh soyjack posting dat great, my site will do it better!", ends up getting a pvdo userbase, or intentional pvdophile safe-spaces, such as the jartycuck (possibly affiliated with bu5t) which was made after 'lita was banned on der Jarty.
If the splinter doesn't have a unique culture than the only reason to go to a splinter is if you don't like the site and you're banned, for either good or malicious reasons. The two overlap, and the second is usually for a good reason. Therefore, pedos.
The Shemmy has a lot of talented drawfags and it's a lot more milder (and deader) than le Sharty. I guess it appeals to the "OMG I love soy wojacks but not too much le racism part" kind of userbase.
If the splinter doesn't have a unique culture than the only reason to go to a splinter is if you don't like the site and you're banned, for either good or malicious reasons. The two overlap, and the second is usually for a good reason. Therefore, pedos.
The Shemmy has a lot of talented drawfags and it's a lot more milder (and deader) than le Sharty. I guess it appeals to the "OMG I love soy wojacks but not too much le racism part" kind of userbase.
>Hello users. I am here to announce the start of the first Thanos Games. Submit your characters in this thread. They will fight each other in a brantsteele simulation as soon as it is filled up with fighters. <[REDDIT SPACING] >Only one may survive.
Because pedos can't handle being banned so instead of going outside they immediately go on the newest dead splinter to colonize it and make it their own little pedo safehaven.