Why do LatinAmericans hate eachother?


Grand Sage of Pork [#107C10] LOVER
One time I brought home Central American food, which was some banana and chicken and my dad said something along the lines of "Fucking disgusting Katracho food EW whatever you do don't bring home a central american they're worse than blacks" And so on and so on going on a long rant about how their women are whores and so on and so on. I can't imagine where this hate comes from.

>Fucking disgusting Katracho food EW whatever you do don't bring home a central american they're worse than blacks
>i'm aryan lol
>6% Amerindian
>Uruguay and Argentina aren't white
>Populations of both countries have mostly full European admixture

Do gemeraldgringos really?
Aren't latinos all aztec and spanish or portugese mutts?
I don't see the difference between all of them.