what's with the normalization of discord nowadays

last time i checked there's a frootcord, cobsonTALKScord, and possibly a /craft/cord too
why is nobody talking about this
everyone's acting like this is normal
why does nobody care, wtf nigga
It's a slippery slope. First came FNACcord, then frootcord, then so on and so forth.
This is why there is such a push to incorporate discord memes into sharty culture, because discorders are actively trying to subvert the site.
Soot told us that Discord was the No. 1 enemy of the sharty, and he was right.
cobson said that der cord is useful because of voice chat even doe matrix has it as well, and the cons of der cord are getting groomed, having to deal with bu5t trying to infiltrate and it generally just being glowietown usa
even though the colony uses matrix
I don't think there are any offsite groups organizing on discord anymore
Affy got BTFO by 'cord moderation
Qafe imploded
Colony moved to matrix