Soy What is your honest opinion on self inserting as a soyjak?


[#ffe70d] My style is ridiculous!
I think it's goofy asf, on one hand choosing the right 'jak can get more people to reply to you, but it also means that you are literally self inserting as a symbol of mockery which is a self own but at the same time your on an anonymous platform so does it even matter?
Well the jannies are asleep, so if any janny sees this don't approve my earlier message since it was a whole bunch of nothing or whatever. Anyways, self inserting is not bad, not in the slightest. If you look at old 4chan /qa/ posts, you will see that self inserting was common in those times as well. Also, we can't really consider it "self inserting as a symbol of mockery" when some soyjaks look like this: Not to mention "self inserting" in itself is a dumb term. When a weeb uses a tranime image, they aren't self inserting, they're just using a reaction image to convey how they feel. But when you use a neutralplier, you're apparently self inserting as the heckin' soy boy woah jaque.
TL;DR Self...
I'm writing on phone right now but I don't think it's as bad as some people claim it to be. I'll write a more detailed explanation later.
Well the jannies are asleep, so if any janny sees this don't approve my earlier message since it was a whole bunch of nothing or whatever. Anyways, self inserting is not bad, not in the slightest. If you look at old 4chan /qa/ posts, you will see that self inserting was common in those times as well. Also, we can't really consider it "self inserting as a symbol of mockery" when some soyjaks look like this: Not to mention "self inserting" in itself is a dumb term. When a weeb uses a tranime image, they aren't self inserting, they're just using a reaction image to convey how they feel. But when you use a neutralplier, you're apparently self inserting as the heckin' soy boy woah jaque.
TL;DR Self inserting is good and isn't even really self inserting
I just don't like sharing spaces with actual high school boys at all I wish all of you would just leave
For me, the Root era was when it all came crashing down, the first Froot era felt very gemmy.
gotta agree with you on this one
during the start of the froot era, 'teens were trying to bring and enforce sharty culture. However after root came in, it dissolved, either through a misguided attempt at trying to bring back a culture that for all purpose couldnt fit in a culture already built on its progression as a topic, or because root and froot encouraged the new cultural things (slopjaks, soyjaks based off standing media,) that were perversions of soyjaks.