What is the most keyed, aryan game you've ever seen

Brigador, that thing's rather great
I'm going to start elaborating on these just for the sake of adding content to the thread
I really like Brigador, not only because of the engaging gameplay but because of the auxiliary systems (story, writing, music, atmosphere etc.) which is, I think, what sets great games apart from the good ones. I especially enjoyed the writing, whoever did the writing for the game was very competent. With very little he managed to convey an entire world, the writing is very descriptive of the setting of the game, I smiled every time the design bureau was brought up for a little story of a how a vehicle was conceived or what the brass was pestering the engineers with, or the experiences of the pilots. A lot of off hand details that really make it seem like the vehicle descriptions were written by someone in the world just recollecting things. I spent probably as much time reading about all the vehicles as I did playing the actual game, and there are vehicles which I read about without even playing them. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because I don't read actual books and I finally got a taste of what good writing is, who's to say
all eurojanks (made by actual euroGODs, not NAFO bootlickers like CD projekt) are keyed doe
ITT: /v/eddit
But in all seriousness probably Angry Goy 2
Angry goy was funny more so than it was fun. In truth it's a shitty game, archaic, but it was elevated by the edgy humor into something remarkable. Everyone understands if angry goy wasn't scandalous no one would care for it. Now those aren't mutually exclusive, a game could be both fun and inflammatory, we just haven't really gotten any. I was actually wondering about this exact thing earlier today, as we have all of these faggot games, commercial grade video games with overt faggotry and globohomo themes, could it be the case that if something went just a little different in recent history, if racism and faggotry didn't switch taboo ratings, would we just casually have games with themes of nationalism and killing niggers and whatever? As we do games with overt themes of faggotry?
but perhaps it's not too late, perhaps we just need a couple of good games to push the envelope of what themes are acceptable in commercial grade entertainment, and before long we'll have a chuddy market share carved out, a niche to fill