Soy What is the funniest, most hilarious gem on 'ru, you think?


83081 - SoyBooru.png
^This is proof that newGODS can create the greatest most hilarious gems, I laughed for 5 minutes straight cuz of how trvthnuke/TSMT and funny this glistening shiny gemerald video by Kingcel is
^This is funnier, absolutely hilarious gemerald that perfectly depicts kikespergaward41
^This is proof that newGODS can create the greatest most hilarious gems, I laughed for 5 minutes straight cuz of how trvthnuke/TSMT and funny this glistening shiny gemerald video by Kingcel is
^This is funnier, absolutely hilarious gemerald that perfectly depicts kikespergaward41
Because other newGODS are fucking lolcow niggers, like BBGHAST, so there is fuel to make hilarious gemeralds
Because other newGODS are fucking lolcow niggers, like BBGHAST, so there is fuel to make hilarious gemeralds
mfw bibisigassed got doxxed on a google maps submission (during the gemmy google maps raid back on the sharty few months ago) and people started thinking that I was ghastlee (as xer name says, xhe was an aryan lee who obsessively hated on bibisighast)