What’s your favourite sharty splinter site, you stupid fucking niggers?

none because they all suck
>very poorly moderated website
dead and is being raided on regular basis
dead and degenerate
dead and full of obsessed frogtroons, 2016 election cacas who now consider xhemselves oldfags lol.
troon and degen
none because they all suck
>very poorly moderated website
dead and is being raided on regular basis
dead and degenerate
dead and full of obsessed frogtroons, 2016 election cacas who now consider xhemselves oldfags lol.
troon and degen
the shemmy was meant to be the chosen one. the splinter to carry on der kway's legacy or some autistic shit. all the rapefugees from the sharty left after learning the shemmy is an irredeemable pile of garbage.

the locals are hostile to newcomers, just like DER 'CUCK or something. this wouldn't be a problem if they weren't such faggots who post guro. they are also nostalgiafags, so the only creations of note are ones that hearken to le good old 'cuck days. if the shemmy sucks, then there isn't a single splinter that can compete with the sharty.

i lied there's https://kiwifarms.st/threads/soyjak-party-the-sharty.145349/