Shit No One Cares About Tribes 3: Rivals and its release


Cereal is my favorite dinnertime meal.
Staff member
Anyone play or interested? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about the game. Hi-Rez/Prophecy is a pretty shitty studio and there's a whole lot of controversy within the community regarding the game's release (and for good reason too), but the game itself is fun and I have been enjoying myself for its low cost of $17. If you're unsure of what Tribes is, it's an arena shooter similar to quake but the movement is more fluid and the main gamemode is CTF (At least in T3).

Here's the steam page if you want to check it out


BTW, 890 peak player count Day 1 (it's so over) :geg:
Geg, this is ACTUALLY shit no one cares about. An entire day has passed with no replies.
