Meta stop unbanning princessparkles


User has a large penis
Core Rules: Rule 1: You WILL NOT post Gore or NSFW. Rule 2: You WILL NOT post any illegal material. Rule 3: You WILL NOT advertise discord servers, imageboards, crypto, etc. You WILL NOT advocate for pedophilia, this includes telling everyone about your love for a lolicon anime girl. Rule 4: You WILL NOT spam Rule 5: You WILL adhere to the general topic or theme of the board you are posting on.Posts that do not pertain to the topic or theme of the board WILL be moved or removed. Rule 6: You WILL use /incel/ to discuss e-celebs. Rule 7: You WILL NOT make multiple accounts or abuse the guest feature to samefag Rule 8: You WILL NOT accuse this site of being a splinter as it's apart of the soysphere and isn't an imageboard. Rule 9: You MUST be 16 years or older to use this website.
>You WILL NOT advocate for pedophilia

if you're gonna unban princessparkles then you might as well unban yurifaggot, Volker41, and The Kid MCFK
>You WILL NOT advocate for pedophilia

if you're gonna unban princessparkles then you might as well unban yurifaggot, Volker41, and The Kid MCFK

also, just a reminder that 80% of the users here either want her banned or don't care if she's banned lol.