I've become the reciter, all nighter, all righter
Back when I would use the booru. I'd occasionally stumble upon posts of soyjaks turning into soytans. Everyone despised him yet he still made more. There was even a jarty thread where he left for a while due to 'lita posters begging xer to make transformation posts except with 'litas instead of soytans (not even he is that degenerate geeg). I believe not long after that, DOLL intervened and banned xir off the 'ru. He seemed to have disappeared from the soysphere until a subreddit was created with him seemingly being responsible. You can find more of xis current whereabouts here.
He also made another jarty thread here.
There are more where that came from, however they are more provocative in nature.
He also made another jarty thread here.
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