Sharty Soyjak Dot Party Immigration Guide



Despite the name, I don't want this to comprise the entire sharty. We'll write "small" (a few hundred words) "immigration guides," which will include seperate sections for seperate immigrants. Since this isn't supposed to be a sideless document like the 'ki, there'll be small jokes and puns here and there. I'll first write /soy/, suggest things to write about.
This won't just be for outsiders, i.e. twitter and reddit, but also from insiders. /pol/ is as different as it gets from /soy/, you're more likely to see a gigaquote than a soyquote
This won't just be for outsiders, i.e. twitter and reddit, but also from insiders. /pol/ is as different as it gets from /soy/, you're more likely to see a gigaquote than a soyquote

Looked at the top 2 threads on /pol/ and I did infact find a gigaquote before a soyquote, this is the second thread btw
you are turk. that thig should ve stayed at cattle butcher facility like other negrocows.
despite being ugly nigger retard with deformed face
this nigger also spreads pedoshit on the Internet and rapes cats.
I thought you were picking cotton, nigger.

But I guess your mother is a whore and your uncle mutated negroid like yourself stole your welfare check.
We shouldn’t spoonfeed outsiders. If they don’t want to put the effort into learning the culture then they can return to whatever country they came from.