South Park is only funny whenever Randy is on screen, other then that it's utter shit.
I fucking despise how the show has turned into another TikTok "lgbtqiafhsdgij#2++++" show that disgusting troons and fat niggers latch onto, mainly to feel better about themselves, and it's always these types of people, always, you'll NEVER see a post-2020 South Park fan that isn't a fat fucking loser kike.
These "people" only watch the show because of the fact that growing up, they most likely didn't have much friends or anything interesting going on, so now, in their 20s, these sad sacks latch onto shit that looks kiddy, just to feel slightly better about themselves and their sad sad tranny lives, why do you think Bluey is so popular now?
These people LIVE through these shows, they larp as the characters on TikTok and they clap their fat stubby hands like seals whenever new fag shit is introduced by those fucking kikes running the show to appease these fuckers.
It infuriates me to no end, and speaking of ends, there's none in sight, as the show will keep getting more and more popular among these crowds until it peaks out and every single xe/xem "starsexual" fucking nigger on TikTok becomes mind raped by liberal politics and kills themselves.
Fuck South Park and fuck you for reminding me of this shit.