South Italians are the biggest subhumans on planet earth


South Italian terronibug woproach dagomaggots are the biggest subhumans on EARTH, they are all brown manlets with microdicks, they are gentically identical to kikes but have an IQ of 90 on average, they have ZERO historical achievements to their name, they are literally the lowest form of life on Earth, next to or even below Pygmies, Negritos, and Australian Aboriginals
>South Italian terronibug woproach dagomaggots are the biggest subhumans on EARTH, they are all brown manlets with microdicks, they are gentically identical to kikes but have an IQ of 90 on average, they have ZERO historical achievements to their name, they are literally the lowest form of life on Earth, next to or even below Pygmies, Negritos, and Australian Aboriginals