1. You WILL NOT post, link to, or request illegal content.
2. You WILL NOT advocate for, promote, or post pedophilia or pedophilic content.
This includes posting "shoyta", "soylita" and other pedophilic variants.
3. You WILL NOT participate in or advertise hostile discord servers, telegram groups, cryto projects, etc.
4. Threads WILL adhere to the general topic of the board; they will be moved or deleted otherwise.
Derailing does happen, but DO NOT intentionally derail threads with SNCA off site drama or other disruptive content.
5. The blog is SFW. NSFW images and links are NOT permitted.
6. Making multiple accounts is FORBIDDEN.
By using the schlog you affirm that you are 16 years old or older.
The shlog is a dangerous place for gays, queers, fags, transtesticles, women, furries, fruitbowls, or other sexual deviants and moderation may be heavily biased against these groups. Viewer discretion is advised.
1. You WILL NOT post, link to, or request illegal content.
2. You WILL NOT advocate for, promote, or post pedophilia or pedophilic content.
This includes posting "shoyta", "soylita" and other pedophilic variants.
3. You WILL NOT participate in or advertise hostile discord servers, telegram groups, cryto projects, etc.
4. Threads WILL adhere to the general topic of the board; they will be moved or deleted otherwise.
Derailing does happen, but DO NOT intentionally derail threads with SNCA off site drama or other disruptive content.
5. The blog is SFW. NSFW images and links are NOT permitted.
6. Making multiple accounts is FORBIDDEN.
By using the schlog you affirm that you are 16 years old or older.
The shlog is a dangerous place for gays, queers, fags, transtesticles, women, furries, fruitbowls, or other sexual deviants and moderation may be heavily biased against these groups. Viewer discretion is advised.