should i pursue IT or aviation crap?



i'm in my last year of high school and i don't know what to do. i was set on IT (information technology) for years but now i'm starting to like the idea of working with (and maybe flying) planes. what should i do if i'm a midwit autist who doesnt need more than maybe $50k USD a year? the plane interest is new to me for the most part.
Thiers no future in IT it's full. I would do aviation and get a job moveing bags at an airport. Or join the airforce. I maybe bias towards planes thoughbeit
there is an airport literally 10 minutes from my house but it's a fedex and amazon hub. would there be any entry level opportunities there? cargo stuff seems interesting plus i wouldnt have to deal with people
i'm in my last year of high school and i don't know what to do. i was set on IT (information technology) for years but now i'm starting to like the idea of working with (and maybe flying) planes. what should i do if i'm a midwit autist who doesnt need more than maybe $50k USD a year? the plane interest is new to me for the most part.
My suggestions:
A. Become a bus driver, easier requirements than both IT and Aviation.
B. Aviation, because it is easier than IT.
C. A or B, but study programming on the side.
D. IT, but only if you are a really good programmer.
i'm in my last year of high school and i don't know what to do. i was set on IT (information technology) for years but now i'm starting to like the idea of working with (and maybe flying) planes. what should i do if i'm a midwit autist who doesnt need more than maybe $50k USD a year? the plane interest is new to me for the most part.
Probably Aviation. Between Artificial Intelligence and the 2 billion pajeet codemonkeys I don't think that programing will be as lucrative in the future as it is now. There will always be tech jobs but if you aren't overtly skilled or passionate you will just end up as another wagie.

If you have no idea what degree to get, math is always a good idea. There are plenty of fields where a math degree can help and it never hurts to have one.