Sharty Should i make my own snarky.snappy bunker site?


[#ffe70d] My style is ridiculous!
I clicked "random page" on the 'ki today and was reminded that "" is down forever, should i make my own bunker website for when both the .soy AND .st domains go offline??

really nigga?
>really *****?
aryan homepage that bloxcacas will never be able to comprehend
Go for it, just have a /soy/ and a /qa/ for negroid containment and it should last enough
My planned boards:
/nate/ (hidden board)
Nah. You aren't prepared to deal with all of the 'p spam from transfolx that are mad about getting raided. It's not worth it
It's a bunker website that you can only post on when both the .party and the .st domains are down, otherwise it's closed.
I would like to hire jannies THOUGH.