Serious RFK Jr won. RFK Jr is moderator. Now and forever. Get over it.

Designates a thread as a serious discussion
I can see the brain eating worms have really gotten to you Robert.
I-I.. A-a wo-worm g-got in-to.. m-my bra-in... a-an-nd it d-di-ied.. a-a-after c-consum-in-g.. a-a sm-mall bi-bit of it.. I-I could e-eat f-fi-five br-br-ain wo-worms an-and I'd st-still b-be cogn-n-it-ive-ly.. c-cons-cious..
A-af-fter... ca-care-f-f-u-ll..... c-con-s-id-d-er-at-ion.. I-h-ha-ve.. de-cid-de-d... th-e- l-ay-o-out.... t-th-h-is i-is ho-o-w... i-it's g-go-in-g-... t-to w-work...

Vice Moderator = @Markiplier
Attorney General = ((You))
Secretary of the Treasury = @Imperator

A-ny q-que-s-tion-s?..