Recognizing Fellow Soyteens Irl?

Soyteen Liker

it's just getting started
Hey um im new here but im rlly lonely, I was wondering how I could meet follow soyteens irl! Is there like a secret code phrase like how Reddit has "the narwhal bacons at midnight"? XD or like how tumblr has "i like your shoes thanks i got them from the president?" im so excited!!
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to find a fellow soyteen, namedrop Cobson (yes, cobson THE gemson) in conversation
if xhe goes "ummm what" or starts accusing you of being a nazi pissbaby, just say you were talking about CobSOn (the obscure late 2000's rock band) instead of the soyjak
if xhe says HWABAG, you just found a 'jakker in real life. you WILL have an irl soyduel with printed out 'jaks