Shit No One Cares About Railway nationalisation


2024 oldGOD
>Capitalism is le bad o algo
UK first merged all railway companies in to quadropoly and then nationalisied railways and ran them in the ground.
1963 1984 uk railway map.png
The Country too big, you have to lay 10x as much track to connect with he major cities since they’re so spaced out
I always though it was more so due to other things such as lobbying, struggling to get land for new railroads, the fact we're generally more interested in cars and planes
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I always though it was more so due to other things such as lobbying, struggling to get land for new railroads, the fact we're generally more interested in cars and planes, that sort of thing
That too but it’s just harder to build railroads in North America in general due to the size (America + the populated parts of Canada are roughly the same size as Europe, so you need more rail and more money to transport people). Plus, no one in America wants rails to be the main form of transport since they’d have to deal with their degenerate black population fucking everything up by playing shitty rap music and smoking fentanyl on the trains.