Our wiki page has been made!

Soyjak.blog is a thrilling 100% Snope's fact checked and approved blog about gemeralds.
Soyjak.blog features high tech advanced features such as SoySmilies™ and SoyReactions™, as well as an active bug-eating userbase of virtuous heroic soylent-drinking rights activists.

some rough draft that i cant finish because im retarded Selfish Little Fuck
i'll change it when i get back from work.
Right now it's shit talk, (we're a splinter apparently) and the newGOD thinks froot was the first to have an -oot name. i'll change it when i get back from work.
View attachment 83
Selfish Little Fuck>made another retarded splinter award even doe its a completely different site kind of like the 'ki or booru
Right now it's shit talk, (we're a splinter apparently) and the newGOD thinks froot was the first to have an -oot name. i'll change it when i get back from work.
View attachment 83
IMO, the only people claiming it's a splinter are dumb splinterists who want to derail a Sharty-affiliated and Sharty-compliant site as a means of feeling better about their own failing sites. They're actively trying to change the narrative.
IMO, the only people claiming it's a splinter are dumb splinterists who want to derail a Sharty-affiliated and Sharty-compliant site as a means of feeling better about their own failing sites. They're actively trying to change the narrative.
We haven't left the One True Site, and we still confess the Soyumvriatian creeds. These splinters don't recognize the primacy of Soot, which has been handed down through direct lineage to Froot. They are heretics trying their very best to disrupt the orthodoxy of our site
We haven't left the One True Site, and we still confess the Soyumvriatian creeds. These splinters don't recognize the primacy of Soot, which has been handed down through direct lineage to Froot. They are heretics trying their very best to disrupt the orthodoxy of our site
We have to update the page with the post count, the reaction score which has been nuked, and add the reaction score being gone to the list of events.
i'll try to update the timeline too
We have to update the page with the post count, the reaction score which has been nuked, and add the reaction score being gone to the list of events.
i'll try to update the timeline too
we need to make pages for our community projects to show the 'teens how gemmy we ackually are.