NekoRightsActivist praises "Charone" and bibisea while there is a dead body of a brownoid formosan SEAmonkey killed over drugs outside his house on Wanhua
NekoRightsActivist praises "Charone" and bibisea while there is a dead body of a brownoid formosan SEAmonkey killed over drugs outside his house on Wanhua
he's an actual serbian-taiwanese hapa cuckold mutt who simps for black people. he claims to not be incelibate but that is to be taken with a grain of salt.
he's an actual serbian-taiwanese hapa cuckold mutt who simps for black people. he claims to not be incelibate but that is to be taken with a grain of salt.
he's an actual serbian-taiwanese hapa cuckold mutt who simps for black people. he claims to not be incelibate but that is to be taken with a grain of salt.
>claims to not be a balding midget
>says it talking like one
Also he's a bisexual troon and a NazBol o algo