Sir Reginald Brownpill
It's a tough pill to swallow!
It is not without regret that I make this announcement.
For a long time, out of principle, I determined I would never contact anyone in the soysphere outside of the respective soy sites. Times change, people change. I'll get to the point.
I have some contacts. One of them told me that the Afterparty, a 'cord larp group best known for being infamous, is abandoning der 'cord due to being constantly BTFO by reportHEROES who shut it down and is now mooving exclusively to an imageboard.
I've said that I thought the Swine was the most respectable splinter due to its moral integrity. However, said contact also informed me that a 'corder, a Coalonytroon at that, is a moderator. That broke my trust in the Swine instantly, before I was even prepared to fully leave the Shitty and start posting there.
Remaining skeptical of splinters, I was also told that the 'fy imageboard would have a theme that's rather appealing to me: Soy oldtroon larp (just like the hecking Soot era which no 'fynigger has ever experienced). I asked. So I thought it important to inform you that any last shred of loyalty or attachment to the Shitty left in me has died today. Sadly, I figure the best thing I can do in the name of soy culture is mentor, tutor those 'rdniggers and make them my dicksuckers just because I used the Shitty during the last 5 months of the Soot era. I will gladly join this one splinter and post enthusiastically, too. If anyone would like to come with me and help those lesser troons learn how to post gems, please, let me know. I need some company on my journey.
In conclusion, I'm a traitor who has gone through so many phases, the only thing consistent about me is my hatred of those who dislike soy culture. This has not changed. Later faggots, see you on the 'fy.