Shit No One Cares About My depressed ESL FNF poojeet shalalalalalal friend


Imperator Romanorum et Slavi · Rexus Puerto Ricum
TRIGGER WARNING: lots of words, indo-aryan hate, transphobia, racism.
So I had this poojeet friend that moved in my neighbourhood when I was somewhere around 8 or 10.
I helped xim integrate with the school but something just seemed kinda off about xir, xe always looked depressed or sleep deprived. Little did I now this was just the beginning to SNCA drama...
One thing xe loved was Mincecraft and Star Wars, xe always wanted to play it IRL in school for some reason (erm cringe much??).
Only thing that I liked about xim was that he was extremely easy to influence so I made xim my personnal zogbot and xe would religiously force every single thing I said.
But xer toddler crippling depression was too much for xim to handle so one day, xe took some stick off the ground and tried to chock ximself to death with it (blud thinks this is Ohio ong 💀).
Also in English I remember seeing him write some ESL babble on the tables, something like "Saar, they is so obssesed and the negative with mi.. Depression I.)
In middle school with some friends we had the idea to make a little skype group so we could play games together from times to times.
But one day I did the fatal mistake on a group call on Minecraft... I said "Bruh, your skin is like poo poo colour LoL." and there it was, the one insult that would completely shatter 5 years of friendship.
And from that day, xe would spam my dms with random incomprehensible ESL babble.
Then we never saw each other again because I moved out to France.
I do tough remember hearing xe acked by launching ximself in the stairs or something but IDK if is true.
I still laugh sometimes remembering all the dumb shit xe did.
Top kek!
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Forgot to mention xe was also obsessed with dogs and wolves.
I think xe trooned out and became a furry too.