Literally who number-223854084211-12

Can you rank your 7 deadly sins in order for how much they affect you?
What is your approximate ASL?
How did you discover the soysphere?
What are your mental illnesses (if any)?
Religious/spiritual beliefs?
Favorite book?
Future aspirations?
Who's your favorite sibling if you have any and why?

I'll probably come back and ask followups [wholesome]
Can you rank your 7 deadly sins in order for how much they affect you?
What is your approximate ASL?
How did you discover the soysphere?
What are your mental illnesses (if any)?
Religious/spiritual beliefs?
Favorite book?
Future aspirations?
Who's your favorite sibling if you have any and why?

I'll probably come back and ask followups [wholesome]
1. clarify?
2. mr L soytube kids video
3. high teir sperg
4. agnostic (I need to research more on such)
5. I don't have one at the moment any recommendations?
6. be rich enough to do whatever i want in life
7. I have one never meet them but xhey trooned out as of late heard xheyer fine though
1. clarify?
2. mr L soytube kids video
3. high teir sperg
4. agnostic (I need to research more on such)
5. I don't have one at the moment any recommendations?
6. be rich enough to do whatever i want in life
7. I have one never meet them but xhey trooned out as of late heard xheyer fine though
I asked you 8 questions and I don't know which one fucked up the order
12541 - SoyBooru.jpg
I asked you 8 questions and I don't know which one fucked up the order
View attachment 13359
"Can you rank your 7 deadly sins in order for how much they affect you?"
The answer: I would need more time to think on that
"What is your approximate ASL?"
The answer: Me no what that is
"How did you discover the soysphere?"
The answer: mr L soytube kids video
"What are your mental illnesses (if any)?"
The answer: high teir sperg
"Religious/spiritual beliefs?"
The answer: agnostic (I need to research more on such)
"Favorite book?"
The answer: I don't have one at the moment any recommendations?
"Future aspirations?"
The answer: be rich enough to do whatever i want in life
"Who's your favorite sibling if you have any and why?"
The answer: I have one never meet them but xhey trooned out as of late heard xheyer fine though
"What is your approximate ASL?"
Age, sex, location
<[reddit space]
Have you made a gem before?
What would you be willing to do for the power to make gems?
Would you kill someone if it meant you'd have the artistic ability to make a new variant?
Do you get joy from the act of jakking itself or some other reason?
Have any 'jaks come to you in dreams?
Do you perform any rituals to aid in soyduels?
In the new world order after the real life soypocalypse, will you selfishly use your jakking prowess to become a cult leader or will you keep your allegiance to the 'arty?
Do you prefer eggs or cereal for breakfast?
Age, sex, location
<[reddit space]
Have you made a gem before?
What would you be willing to do for the power to make gems?
Would you kill someone if it meant you'd have the artistic ability to make a new variant?
Do you get joy from the act of jakking itself or some other reason?
Have any 'jaks come to you in dreams?
Do you perform any rituals to aid in soyduels?
In the new world order after the real life soypocalypse, will you selfishly use your jakking prowess to become a cult leader or will you keep your allegiance to the 'arty?
Do you prefer eggs or cereal for breakfast?
11 yar old esl sheet skin boogeyman (I'm 17 from the us)
I haven' t made any gems at this stage of my life
Depends on who is dying
Jakking itself is what i like most about the site
I had a dream where rapeson was outside my home
The Nigroid ocean technique is my favorite
Stay with the party